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في تصنيف حل لعبة فطحل العرب لغز بواسطة

There are a few signs you can Diabetes Freedom Review  monitor to spot early diabetes. While each of the symptoms alone can be harmless, a combination of two or more should be carefully investigated. Early diabetes can be cured by switching to a healthy lifestyle, exercising and avoiding stress. Without claiming to show a full list, here are some of the warning signs the body can trigger.

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Weakness and fatigue. While fatigue can be the sole result of a stressful life style and sleep deprivation, it could also be a warning sign of incipient diabetes. If there is not enough insulin in the bloodstream to decompose the glucose, the cells are deprived of energy and make the body feel run down.

Frequent urination and unquenchable thirst. Nonexistent, insufficient or ineffective insulin in your blood can be the warning sign of too much glucose in your blood. The kidneys become inefficient in filtering the glucose and try to drain extra water from your body to filter the residuals; hence the bladder is kept full. Also, the organism becomes dehydrated and you will always feel thirsty.

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