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في تصنيف حل لعبة فطحل العرب لغز بواسطة

 Currently, liraglutude is very expensive:  Diabetes Freedom Review about $828 for six months of treatment. I think it's unlikely that the average health insurance plan companies would pay for it, unless you are either morbidly obese or also suffering from type-2 diabetes. Healthcare reform may also result in some insurers eliminating coverage for certain procedures and medications that are considered experimental or unproven, in an attempt to further reduce costs. 

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At this point, liraglutude clearly fits into that category. Also, many insurance companies don't even cover the more extensively studied Xenical, or its lower-strength OTC version Alli. If excess weight is your only major health problem, it will be difficult to get your insurer to cover weight loss treatments. Of course, for information about your specific plan, contact your insurance agent. 

In my opinion, the jury is out on liraglutude. Further study is needed, so I suggest you wait and see. Obesity is a major health epidemic in America, and is a driver of the increase in medical costs. An effective health care reform solution must combat it, yet an investigational and costly injection probably won't be the magic bullet. Meanwhile, continue with a healthy diet and exercise plan. Many insurance companies cover some or all of the cost for a gym membership and/or a nutritionist, since their benefits are proven.

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