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Type 2 is the new term for "adult-onset"  StrictionBP Review or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). As the old term implies, it is more common in adults than children. Type 2 is due to insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity. This type of diabetes is lifestyle-related and may take years before the disease manifests. There are certain things that you do or have done which can increase your chances of developing this type of diabetes.

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Unlike type 1 the progression of type 2 diabetes is reversible, especially when diagnosed in the early stages. The main problem is that while it can be reversed many people are not willing to do what it takes to achieve the results they need to. It requires a change in diet, losing weight, cutting out alcohol and stopping smoking will be beneficial as well. Most people just take the easy path and accept the insulin injections as part of life.

The last type is gestational diabetes. As you can imagine this is usually temporary, in that it only develops during pregnancy, and it often disappears after delivery. While it may only be a temporary occurrence, and it only affects a small percentage of pregnant women, it should not be disregarded as it poses risks to both the fetus and the mother. It is treatable but requires constant medical attention for the duration of the pregnancy.

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