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في تصنيف حل لعبة فطحل العرب لغز بواسطة

Another thing is the burning pain in the lower  StrictionBP Review and upper extremities. Because of diabetes sexual dysfunction my occur to the men age from 50 and older, this is because of the damage of the nerves that is responsible for the erection. Diabetic person is at risk in acquiring infections usually it is in the gums and in the bones that holds the teeth. In the gums a person can develop sores or pockets of pus. It is most common to those who already had infection in the gums before the onset of the diabetes.

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Early detection of diabetes is very important, knowing the symptoms of diabetes is one way of decreasing a chance of developing the complications of diabetes. Diabetes risk is considerably increased by smoking. This has been found out time and time again. The research at the University of Lausanne involved 1.2 million smokers and found smokers have a 44% increase to develop type 2 diabetes. And the more one smokes, the risk goes higher.

The Journal of American Medical Association also conducted a study and found that those who smoke 20 cigarettes per day had their risk to develop diabetes rise to 61% while the light smokers' risk is 29% higher than those who do not smoke. The researchers said the study did not prove that smoking contributed to diabetes but that the statistics were significant.

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0 إجابة 99 مشاهدات
سُئل مارس 27، 2020 في تصنيف تعليم بواسطة مجهول