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في تصنيف العملات الرسمية لدول العالم بواسطة

Anorexia Anorexia is an erosion disorder  Panalean Review characterized by markedly diminish desire or total aversion to nutrition. Anorexia is a serious psychological disorder and is a plight that goes well beyond out-of-control dieting. With anorexia, the drive to become thinner is veritably inferior to solicitude about control and/or alarm refer to one's body. There are psychological and behavioral symptoms as well as physical symptoms of anorexia including: lowness, social retreat, fatigue, nourishment obsession, inspirit and gastroenteric complications, kind duty, whacky skin, delicate stub, and jag injury (this please is not complete).

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Pick up any diet book and it will assert to have all the answers to favorably losing all the weight you failure—and holding it off. Some claim the cotter is to feed less and test more, others that low greasy is the only way to go, while others direct sarcastic out carbs. So, what should you believe?

Dementia is defined as a momentous detriment of intellectual abilities such as remembrance capacity, censorious enough to interfere with companionable or occupational province. There are several different emblem of dementia, inclose cortical, subcortical, advanced, primary, and second dementias. Other provision and medicamentation reactions can also cause dementia. Dementia is diagnosed supported on a certain put of criteria. Treatment for idiocy is collectively centered on the symptoms of the complaint.

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