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This is important for diabetics because if there is enough StrictionD Review  protein in the meal, you will tend to eat less food, which helps to keep your glucose levels balanced. So remember to eat lean protein with each meal or snack.

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Carbs are foods that convert into glucose very quickly once they are eaten. Some carbs take a longer time to convert, but others convert almost instantly. Whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables take a longer time to convert to glucose. Starches such as potatoes, pasta, bread and corn convert to sugar very quickly. When carbs turn to sugar they spike the glucose levels in the body - which is dangerous for a diabetic.

Diabetics should eat good carbohydrates and avoid the bad carbs. Fresh fruits and vegetables also add needed fiber to your diet. Fiber is essential in helping with digestion and even helps in losing excess weight. Whenever possible eat fresh fruits and vegetables - eat at least 5 servings every day.Believe it or not fats are essential to a diabetic's diet also. However you need to eat healthy fats and avoid bad fats. Healthy fats consist of such things as as vegetable oils (olive and canola are the best), nuts and seeds, and avocados. Butter and mayonnaise are alright in small amounts.

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