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Hardcore Ketogenic Buckwheat honey can be added to ready-made facial masks or applied directly. You can also mix it with hair masks to increase their nutritional value and moisturize the hair. Honey will also work on dandruff problems, because it cleanses the scalp not only of dead cells, but also of bacteria. By mixing buckwheat honey with sugar, a peeling will be obtained, which can be applied to the face and the whole body, because sugar particles will wipe off dead skin, and honey will prevent possible irritation, lighten and moisturize the skin, which after such treatment will be not only prettier, but also healthier. Oat grains consist of four layers: fruit-seed coat, aleur layer, endosperm and embryo. When the grain goes to the mill, it is cleaned of the outer layers. Oat bran is thus formed as a by-product of milling oat grains into flour or groats. Oat bran has a lower content of fiber belonging to the beta-glucan fraction and the highest amount of fat (approx. 7 g fat per 100 g dry weight of oat bran) than other bran. However, this fat is a very valuable unsaturated fatty acid that is not produced in the body. Oat bran also contains oleic acid used in cancer prevention. In oat grains are also aventramides - bioactive substances that prevent the formation of fatty deposits in blood vessels, as well as large amounts of vitamin B (especially B6 and B12 ) and minerals (selenium, magnesium ). Thanks to their properties, they support the work of the brain and nervous system, strengthening memory, concentration and enabling faster acquisition of knowledge. Oat bran can not only prevent fatigue and irritability, but also can be used as a source of substances with antidepressant effects (help maintain a good mood). In addition, oat bran helps to maintain and increase muscle mass, increasing endurance and physical performance. 


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سُئل نوفمبر 23، 2022 في تصنيف كتب بواسطة Alaa Yousef (474ألف نقاط)
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2 إجابة 204 مشاهدات
سُئل نوفمبر 23، 2022 في تصنيف كتب بواسطة Alaa Yousef (474ألف نقاط)
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2 إجابة 240 مشاهدات