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Huge Male Secret According to Michael Ormsbee, director of the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine at Florida State University in the United States, muscles can be built with any kind of movement, but greater gain can be achieved with multi-joint efforts. In addition, scientists say compound exercises increase testosterone levels, a key hormone for muscle building, according to researchers at the University of Connecticut . So, whenever you can, include in your workout compound exercises that involve multiple joints and muscles in one motion. 2. Increase protein intake. Another key tip for gaining mass is to eat good sources of protein in adequate amounts. It's no use training for hours if you don't eat well. The body needs amino acids to promote the repair, recovery and muscle growth of injured muscle fibers. Amino acids are small "blocks" present in the protein consumed through the diet that serve to build muscle tissues. What happens is this: The training generates micro injuries to the muscle fibers, which to recover and grow in size, need essential "ingredients", which are amino acids. To get amino acids, you need to eat protein. Our body processes the large protein molecules ingested and, through digestion, breaks them down into small portions, which are the amino acids that can be used by muscles. Recommended Ingestion The recommended daily amount of protein by the World Health Organization is grams for each kilogram of body weight. 


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سُئل نوفمبر 23، 2022 في تصنيف كتب بواسطة Alaa Yousef (474ألف نقاط)
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سُئل نوفمبر 23، 2022 في تصنيف كتب بواسطة Alaa Yousef (474ألف نقاط)
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