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?Why is oil bought in dollars

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بواسطة (9.2ألف نقاط)
أفضل إجابة

?Why is oil bought in dollars

Oil is bought in dollars because it is a commodity. All

commidities in the US are bought in dollars. This is because it's

then easier to trade them


the exchange determines the currency. US exchanges choose

dollars, the Hang Sin trades in yen. The values of a currency used

on an exchange can affect a commmodities market as well as other

market forces. Commodite traders in the US tade worldwide on

different exchanges and different currencies.

in some cases a trader can make as much off currency

fluctuations as they do off the commodity depending on what happens

in the world and on which exchange they sell the commodity. Oil for

example can change hands several times as a tanker heads to a port

or it may go to a different port and a different buyer. Oil traders

will often park a tanker and store the oil awaiting better currency


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1 إجابة 153 مشاهدات
سُئل أغسطس 30، 2021 في تصنيف Business بواسطة sohila (9.2ألف نقاط)
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1 إجابة 76 مشاهدات
سُئل أغسطس 28، 2021 في تصنيف Business بواسطة sohila (9.2ألف نقاط)
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1 إجابة 121 مشاهدات
0 معجب 0 شخص غير معجب
1 إجابة 108 مشاهدات
سُئل أغسطس 28، 2021 في تصنيف Business بواسطة sohila (9.2ألف نقاط)
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1 إجابة 82 مشاهدات