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86 مشاهدات

2 إجابة

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بواسطة (9.2ألف نقاط)

?What challenges is Mexico facing today

ndeed, Mexican government corruption is rampant and costly. The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness calculated that each year, corruption costs the country between 2% and 10% of its GDP, reduces foreign investment by 5%, and wipes out 480,000 jobs from small and medium-sized businesses.

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بواسطة (9.2ألف نقاط)

?What challenges is Mexico facing today

ndeed, Mexican government corruption is rampant and costly. The Mexican Institute for Competitiveness calculated that each year, corruption costs the country between 2% and 10% of its GDP, reduces foreign investment by 5%, and wipes out 480,000 jobs from small and medium-sized businesses.

اسئلة متعلقة

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سُئل أكتوبر 20، 2021 في تصنيف Business بواسطة مجهول
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