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backlinks maker30 Minute Backlinks is a product created by Michelle MacPherson. She claims she was able to take a new domain and get it ranked within just 3 days using the methods she teaches in this course. On Feb 5th 2008 she launched a brand new website to test 30 Minute Backlinks. The site she launched was a Tattoo Designs website. She installed a Wordpress Blog, added a couple of posts and some content.

3 days later she checked on her Tattoo Designs website to see where it ranked in google. She implemented just one of the five different methods taught in 30 Minute Backlinks and wanted to see if she had any results yet. She ended up ranking #15 for the keyword Cool Tattoos and said doing this only took her about 15 minutes of work.

About 12 days later on Feb 20th she checked yahoo and noticed that this new site already had 132 backlinks. Within this 12 day time frame she ended up having 1045 unique visitors to this website. She's been getting an average of 150 unique visitors per day. Michelle MacPherson claims that this technique will work in any niche and can be duplicated for multiple niche websites.

Also no technical abilities are needed to start implementing the methods laid out in 30 Minute Backlinks. She mentions that if you can fill out a form with your website address you can use 30 Minute Backlinks with great success. The techniques mentioned here aren't available to the average webmaster. She shows you how to create software within 30 minutes and submit it to all of the Software Directories.

In case you weren't aware, there are thousands of websites who will allow people to download your software. You are also able to mention the website it's downloaded from. Most of these sites have incredible page rank, so if you can plug into a system that takes advantage of this and can create real software this fast you can really boost your search engine rankings real high. Software Repositories like CNET and others accept software that meets minimum requirements.

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