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Things you eat, drink and smoke can  Bp Zone Review also play a major roll. Caffeine drinks like coffee will do the same. Nicotine from cigarettes stimulates the heart to increase your pressure as well. You may think that alcohol relaxes you, but the long term effects of all those alcohol, cocktails, and liquors drinks take their toll as well.

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Spending too much time in your favorite recliner instead of getting some exercise increases your chances for problems. Fortunately, there are many places you can get your blood pressure checked today. Many stores and pharmacies have automatic machines you can use. Just sit down for a couple minutes and get it checked. If your pressure is up slightly three different times, you should see a doctor. If it is over about 160 just once, you should also seek medical advice.

Rest makes your blood pressure go down. Because of that, the best time to take your pressure is after a good rest. But, back to Gerald. His family history made a big difference.. He had a father who died at age 56 of a kidney failure from atherosclerosis. Genetics can really increase your chances of needing treatment.

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1 إجابة 126 مشاهدات
سُئل أغسطس 26، 2021 في تصنيف Business بواسطة sohila (9.2ألف نقاط)