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There are a lot of subtle changes that  Eat The Fat off Review can make a big difference in getting to your health and fitness goals. If you think about and are aware of what you are eating on a daily basis I would bet making some healthy substitutions you could easily lose 500 calories a day. When it comes to diet it is Never about skipping meals it is about making healthier choices.

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With your workouts always use heavy weight (what is heavy to you), use compound exercises(squats, deadlifts, clean & press, dips, rows etc.) this is where you get the best results in lean muscle gains and fat burning. Always workout with intensity. Keep your workouts short. If you are using compound exercises you can work your whole body in 3-5 exercises.

Losing that excess body fat doesn't need to be as complicated as some would have you believe. The subtle changes I talked about in this article are easily accomplished. The question is how bad do you want it. Just picture this for a moment: In 30 short days from now you look in the mirror and there it is - Or actually there it isn't. It's You with 8-10 lbs less body fat. Close your eyes right now see it and focus on it. Imagine how you will feel with what you have accomplished.

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